Thursday, August 14, 2008

Things I've learned from Moving...Part 2

Yesterday we "hit the wall" at 630 am when I was yelling at David for packing these "five important angels that I had been saving to take to Kuwait". He patiently reminded me that he he told me he was packing up the bathroom and I should have saved them before. And, he added, if I wanted him to, that he could tell me where exactly he put them (Note that he didn't tell me exactly where I could put them!)

I said "wait a minute", I took a deep breath and then said
"No, it's okay, I don't really need them in Kuwait"

I can let go.

After that adventure, we proceeded to the school where we entered the back parking lot and saw the "Boys of Summer" (our wonderful, efficient and well-respected janitorial staff) throwing away a number of items that David had been saving for the Theatre over the past 14 years. We exchanged a friendly banter, although you could tell they were a little uneasy because we "caught" them throwing out stuff.

I heard David breathe and say
"It's okay, I can let it go"

SO the lesson we've learned in packing is that we CAN let go and that things really are just things.

 The fun ending this story is that we will have one angel in our Kuwait. Favorite (smile) Neice Deb gave me a Troll Guardian Angel. (If you're over the age of 40, you've got to remember those ugly plastic troll dolls). I was quite honored with the gift because I know she values them, and I remember playing with them.

We've nicknamed this one the ConTroll Angel. It's not the angel pictured at the top of this post but I wanted you all to know that I've still got my sense of humor!

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