Thursday, August 28, 2008

Chandeleers and Wii Games

Last night I went with the Roddicks to a mall-not the fancy type that have been designed with Westerners in mind. This one, (the name I can't pronouce except it sounds something like "rehab"), was designed for the MAN in mind. I say that because it only had three things for sale: Lighting Fixtures, Blankets and Electronic gaming supplies. Amazing. But maybe a female perspective is needed here.

Now, we're not just talking your basic light bulbs here folks. Amazing chandeleers over 5' tall in shades of blue, red, purple, yellow..just eye popping. Sorta like the ones pictured at the top of this post.
The blankets (and rugs too I guess) were lovely and the gaming supplies, I'm sure necessary, but I still can't get over the lighting fixtures. Of course, it wouldn't seem appropriate to have a Chandeleer over 5' tall (taller than me!) in my humble apartment, which leads me to think that there must be some motherhuge homes here.

Right before we left the US, our lil' brother Peter was working on remodeling his home. So one day he and I hoped in his lil Camrymachine and took off for Fargo (or those of you who don't live in the area...Far--goe.) Anyway, we only hit three places ( a lighting fixture store, Menards and the coffee shop that we were told had really cool lights) and we were maxed out on overload. (This place would make your head hurt before you even got in the door Bro'!)

It makes me wonder how much money these people really have? And what kind of time would you have to have to select chandeleers for each room? Maybe I'll start another blog and entitle it "The house that Nadine would build if David (And money) would let her".

Nah, I'm just fine with what we've got. But I will save it for future thoughts...Be thankful when you click off your little light fixture tonight. Some places don't even have electicity.

Oh, for your learning, a parting comment on Chandeleers

A chandelier is a branched decorative ceiling-mounted light fixture with two or more arms bearing lights. Chandeliers are often ornate, containing dozens of lamps and complex arrays of glass or crystal prisms to illuminate a room with refracted light.
The earliest candle chandeliers were used in medieval places of assembly. They generally took the form of a wooden cross with a number of spikes on which candles could be secured, the whole assembly being hoisted to a suitable height on a rope or chain suspended from a hook.


Cookie said...

Hi Nadine!
I was enjoying your blog site this morning. My sister lived there for many years. So here's her biggest helpful hint for surviving in Kuwait...which she swears you'll quickly learn anyway. She said none of the women Ever wear underwear. I somehow imagine you were not quite expecting that to be someone's best advice on surviving! Also, watch out for the illegal 'home brew'...rumor has it (although my sister, again, swears it's true) it will make you blind if you drink too much. So if you come home blind...the secrets out, ha!

Thanks for keeping me entertained this morning!


JoAnn said...

what leads to blindness, the first or second helpful hint? Maybe it is the combination of both. What about a family of five!