The sunrise is taken outside our bedroom window. We don't have much for looks-as there's an abandoned (we think) building behind us. There used to be clothes hanging outside the window right across from us, but no longer.
The sunset is taken at the Avenues mall. Think Mall of America, only not quite to big. But it does have that IKEA store where I'm about to plunk down some serious Dinar once we get paid (two more days to go!)
The sunrises and sunsets are quicker here. I've come to miss the lingering sunset on Lake Lida but that, along with many, many other things, are what I agreed to leave for awhile in coming here.
It's not that it's all that different (it would be really a pity to come this far and have everything the same, right?!), it's just that one never knows when something is going to be different. And that's part of the charm and frustration. If I was looking for an analogy (and I must be) I would compare it to standing on hard sand. It's firm and you think you're safe and then all of a sudden it shifts a little. Not enough to make you fall down,just enough to say "uffda" (which I say a lot here-mostly to myself).
The other night I enjoyed a couple of wonderful skype calls home to loved ones. Great conversations and laughs. It was fun. But the next day I was cranky. I think I figured out that if I don't talk too much to people then I will be okay. I have great empathy with the Turk, who told me he didn't want to call home because it would make him lonesome. I "get it" now.
It's all a part of the process. The farm girl is doin' okay, even if there are occassional setbacks. Thank Allah she's married to the Rock of a spouse who keeps it all on even ground.
hi, could well relate to your thoughts and mixed feelings. Nice to know someone else drinking it all in the new sights and the new culture, and it must be more alien and strange, than its for me. Anyhow happy times in kuwait!! :>)
Hi we're new to kuwait as well and can relate to many of your thoughts and experiances so far. We arrived around the same time ( end of August )Just thought I'd mention Vonnage. We have a seperate phone line ( with our local U.S # ) where we can make & recieve phone calls from friends & family in the US.
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