Saturday, September 13, 2008

Inquiring Minds want to know...whose butt is cuter?

We finally did it...we booked our first flight out of here. We're headed to...
ITALY for 5 days and then to Germany to spend time with our German family. This will be our Christmas Trip of a Lifetime Opportunity.

First we will be viewing Rome, Florence, Venice...places I've seen through my work with BI and am THRILLED to be taking my family to see them. Anna has a serious budding interest in art, so it's important to get her to Florence to bask in Michaelangelo's work.

Our Christmas card will be from Florence with David standing next to THE David and we'll see whose butt is really cuter? (Reference to the headline...1000 Arabian apologies if I have offended with words or photo)

Inshallah, we will be able to meet up with a Sasso-neice who is currently studying in Florence. WOW...the fun is starting to begin.

The adventure we had in actually booking this flight is another tale, which I won't bother you with because it sounds a lot like whining. Suffice it to say that one should never take for granted the ease you all in North America have with phone service, internet and toll-free calls.

Three cheers to the Wonderful people at our favorite bank who made this happen from PR. I won't mention the name (you know who you are!) because it would be a shameless plug and I'd have to get advertising dollars from you. But then again, momma does love to travel. HHmmmm...

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Bitte, e-mail me the dates and corresponding cities in which you'll be in Germany!