Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Gearin' up for Conferences

One of the truly important parts of teaching is Parent Teacher conferences. And it's NEVER TAUGHT in college. Thanks to the good staff at PRHS, I've had a little training in these grand adventures.

I'm about to embark on the MOTHERLOAD whirlwind tour of conferences---33 parents/students in 2.5 hours. We host the conferences in our rooms so here's hoping that I can enjoy a meaningful dialogue in five minutes with these parents. Hopefully their children will come along to either translate OR at least remind me who I'm talking with (with 130 students, different last names and all dressed in white and blue each day, they sorta blur together!)

Important Rules: Don't shake hands with a man unless he offers first. If the woman offers her right cheek, it's a sign that you (me!) should give a light kiss on the cheek. (When I get to know them really well, it's a kiss on each cheek). Don't show the soles of my shoes (seriously) and make sure you can back up what I'm saying. After all, they are paying about $12,000 for the pleasure of their child's education. Per year. Per student.

Uffda I hope I don't screw up. If I'm on a plane at midnight, it means I've offended someone.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

You will do beautifully, NWB! You always do! :D