Monday, October 13, 2008

One Ringy Dingy

For those of you over the age of 45, you've got to remember Lily Tomlin's hilarious Laugh-In routine of Ernestine, the telephone lady. "Is this the party to whom I am speaking?" (snort snort).

I think of that occassionally when we make a telephone call back to the states. Fortunately, we are able to take advantage of a wonderful online calling service called Skype. It costs us $.02 per minute to "reach out and touch". (**Unless I'm calling Alaska and that's $.05 per minute...not even sure what that's about!) SKYPE helps the dispel the lonelies, helps sort things out when emails would just complicate matters and is the best way we know to keep in touch with David's parents--who are doing better, by the way!

UNFORTUNATELY (at least on our home computer) is that we also get a lot of unsoliticed "calls" during the time we are online. Lately we've been "called" by (and again, because fact IS stranger than fiction I am not making any of these names up:)
MissHotLips, HairlessHousewife, WetComeGirl, BreathlessOne and an assortment of other names using letters, numbers and signs. Once David almost clicked on one of them because she had the first name "SlickyVicki"

"No" I screamed at David as he said 'hey it's your cousin trying to contact us'," that's NOT my cousin, it's one of THEM!"
I guess that's the Price we pay for not having a filter on this computer...we're just happy it works. (ocassionally)

Fortunately we're not that lonely so we haven't been tempted to reach out and touch-them. (I'd have to take a shower afterwards)

SO unless you are reading this and are using a fake alias, we'll assume that none of them are YOU. It does make life, ah, interesting at times. To think we came all this way only to have SPAM follow up.

'Scuse me, MrMarineMan99 is waiting to speak with me...

1 comment:

Di said...

Correction Auntie, I am not over 45 and I remember Tomlin's antics on Laugh-In very well! You're not as old as you think!