Thursday, February 12, 2009

Two Priceless Pics

Many of you reading this blog know that my first REAL job was with International Dairy Queen, Inc. I worked in the Communications and Marketing departments. Great job, learned lots, met great people. Anyway, I've been sort of a Fast Food Freak ever since, keeping up with franchise news and factoids. When I saw this Burger King in the middle of the desert, I had to take a picture because I had to applaud the energy and force it must have taken to build it and make sure it was exactly what a franchise store should be. If I had walked into the store, I would have expected to be served everything I could buy in the US. Oh, with the exception of the pork sandwich/bbq ribs on their menu.

The other picture was just too priceless because it was definately something I "dreamed" I would see here in the Middle East. These actual site of two men walking in their winter dishtashas (black robe that Muslim men wear) through the desert was just too good to be true. About five minutes earlier, I saw a herd of camels walking far off in the distance.

It's always amazing when I see real images of the pictures I had in my head of this country before we moved here. One of my most common sayings is "oh look there's a (insert stereotypical image of the middle east)---and me without my camera!" Then there are some times when I see things and I'm glad I don't have the camera with me because it seems almost too intrusive or unbelievable.

Hard as I try, it's almost impossible for me to preserve everything that I am seeing or experiencing on film or in writing. I'll try my best to post images of Kuwait and life elsewhere for you. But I hope you understand when I say that sometimes that the "Kodak of the Mind" is the best way to capture a moment. Click.

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