Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tough Job...but I love it!

Pictures taken from the Marriott Dead Sea Jordan Website. Here's hoping that it looks as good in real life as it does on the web!

My first year of Activities Director at AIS is winding down. Tomorrow, I'm off to the Dead Sea Marriott in Jordan (I know, I have to go back again!) with our Principal and Athletic Director. Having those two people as my support system has made this year go quite well. I have enjoyed the challenges of trying to figure out how to get people into this country, of finding homes for up to 80 kids, of making sense of rules in a country that often change, of trying to plan activities for teenages from 10 different countries. It's probably the best mix of my professional talents and personal interests that I've ever had in a job.

We have a "club" here at school informally called the "Next Year I am Going to be So Much Smarter" group. There are a group of us who are in our first year of Leadership Positions. We've all survived quite nicely and we're ever so much smarter now.

The good news is that we have final meetings at VERY nice places. In the fall, I got to go to Abu Dhabi and now I'm off to Jordan. See the enclosed pictures and then listen when I tell you how "hard I work" (well I do work's just nice to have these occassional perks at the End of the Tunnel!)

I'm write more after my Dead Sea Spa event this weekend.


1 comment:

Joyce B said...

Thank you, Nadine. See you soon.