Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Inquiring Minds Want to Know (part 2)

Words by Anna Leigh, Photos by NWB
When I moved to Kuwait a friend asked me "Do you ride to school on a camel?"--No, I don't

"Do you have to wear one of those sheet things"? says another friend.

"Abaya" I respond. "Yeah, that thing.
Do you?"--
No, I don't

"Will you have electricity?" asked another friend.
They seem to think this is a 3rd world country.

"Can your parents like, sell you into marriage or something now?"

"You'll still have internet right?"--
No one seems to get that this is a REALLY rich country.

"Are you forced to go to the mosque? Will they arrest you if you say Jew?" "Do they know what cars are, do they have them?"

"Aren't you at war?"

"Kuwait? Where's that?"

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