Friday, December 26, 2008

Please Hold...We are temporarily experiencing..


Traveling at the holiday time is wonderful..and complicated. Especially if one (as in me) is still thinking with my North American brain and used to having "things the way they are back home" (Insert laugh track here)

We are trying to change our travel plans to return to Kuwait tomorrow (Saturday) to give David a chance to rest, recooperate (his back has gone out more than he has!) and regroup before he decides what next step to take:return to the US to be with his dad or stay in Kuwait a couple weeks then go see Charlie.

This IS NOT EASY- during the holiday-on Kuwait Airlines-In Germany-connecting through Italy.

I won't vent all over you. Someday this will make a great beer story (not in Kuwait tho, back at the cabin this summer). We (okay more specifically ME) need to learn patience and I guess my "Higher Power" (thanks Doug) is giving me plenty of opportunities to learn it. (Pause for deep zen breath)

See me learning, see me learning (picture unavailable, you will have to put on your imagination hats to get the visual)Stay Tuned for Details...
(oh and Pray for us, we're taking all the "Help" we can right now!)

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