Friday, December 24, 2010

Feliz Navidad from Granada Spain

What a beautiful place to visit...I´m comin´back. Spain has been wonderful to us and we´ve been enjoying ourselves without getting too ¨vacationed¨ out. Today I took so many photos that my card was actually full! (that´s never happened to me before!)
To bring you up to date, we never made it to Morocco although we tried two days in a row. Something about the ¨rain in spain...¨ oh well, it was not to be.
We were able to go to the Rock of Gilbratar which was fantastic. We saw Apes (seriously) and an incredible cave of stallagtites(sp) that made me silent in awe! (I know, that doesn´t often happen!). We are now in Granada which is an absolute JEWEL! Just spent the morning at the Alahambra, which is an incredible castle-fort-gardens-art museum. I confess I had never heard of this place until two weeks ago, now it´s on my top 5 places I´ve seen in the world!
Our rental car has been serving us well and so has our extra passenger, Sylvia. She´s been an excellent guide and only became a bother for one afternoon. Okay okay before you think that we´ve picked up a hitchhiker or added a new family member...¨Sylvia¨ is the name that our family gives to GPS whenever we rent one. It´s a MUST for travelling in a country where you can´t read the road signs or know where you´re going. David´s been a great driver (I´m running out of positive adjectives !) and Anna has been superb as the navigator. I sit in the back seat and make sandwiches and take photos. We´ve each got a job.
There aren´t alot of Christmas decorations in Spain which is nice, but just enough to make it known that we are in the holiday season. I watched CNN yesterday where they predicted that today (Christmas Eve) would be the largest day for European VISA purchases ever. I tried to contribute to the record myself (Gotta do what you gotta do!)
Mostly the decoratation are lights hung across the streets (Very tasteful), manger scenes (nice) and silly Santa´s trying to crawl up windows. Pictures will be posted asap.
Holiday time. Hug your families, be good to yourself (thanks BP!) and know that you are loved this holiday season...and always
David, Nadine, Anna from Espania!

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