Sunday, November 6, 2011

Up close and personal

While out on a couple photo adventures, I was playing with my telephoto lens. Here is a couple of my favorite pics. Enjoy!

Many prayers just waiting to be said.

A friendly kid at the farm.

This is actually a shot of the couch in the living room of the Kuwait farm. The room was huge by my standards anyway and it featured this large seating area. This feature is standard in diwenias, which is the room where traditionally men gather in homes to discuss important matters. But in this house, everyone was allowed into this room.

My fascination with the big old doors continues.

Old door of the museum of modern art. Yeah, the dichotomy of this statement says a lot about Kuwait in general.

Despite this being a desert, there is a wondrous beauty. You just have to look harder to find it.

I think the farm owner was trying to replicate the feeling of the old west in the desert. Seriously, I wouldn't want to mess with him!

Location:Various places around Kuwait

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