Thursday, November 3, 2011

Comin' down-resting-and then climbing back up again

These are the greetings that were in my school email this morning as we begin to celebrate Eid Al Adha. I've talked about this before, it's an opportunity for Muslims to travel to Mecca (which is one of the five pillars of Islam) and to be with family and friends. We received an extended vacation and now have the entire week off!
Personally, it couldn't come at a better time as I am physically and mentally exhausted after being immersed in the details of helping to host a volleyball tournament over the past three weeks. It's what I do, and I do Love it, BUT....I welcome a little peace and quiet for a while. We are not travelling, other than out to breakfasts with friends, and to various places we always say "gee it would be fun to visit that".

So Here's to CHARLIE (my father in law) I am sorry I haven't written, yes you are right, I've been really busy. Hopefully life will slow down a bit (until the next tournament which is in two weeks!)
No rest for the wicked....

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