Saturday, March 26, 2011

Just another fun day in Kuwait
Dust storm coming in over Kuwait. It was a WILD thing...just like a blizzard, only with sand. This photo is from Google images (my camera was at school...silly me). This is the 3rd "Duster" we've experienced. Stupid me left the windows open in the apartment across the hall (we're watching it while it's empty). AND...well, let's just say my maid and I will become real familiar with our brooms over the next couple days. Anna and a friend went out walking in it (sorta like we used to go walking around in blizzards) The friend (Kuwaiti) came back with a lighter shade of brown over his face (totally covered in dust) Anna at least had a scarf on. It was amazing, but today the sun is out and it's all over except the huge sale on brooms and cleaning supplies at the supermarkets.

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