Thursday, February 23, 2012

Ya gotta laugh...or you cry

This is a picture of the very disgusting hole that has been in front of our apartment building since late 2009 (or maybe early 2010). It shows the k. Governments attempt to add fire hydrants to our street. A very VERY noble and necessary action. So, back in 2009/10, the hole was dug, the hydrant was placed, the necessary pipes were laid...and all was left was to hook up the water, close the hole and ta dah! As you have probably noted by now, it stayed open and stayed open and stayed open. It takes the place of at least two parking spots in front of our apartment ( a serious problem for my colleages with cars) not to mention ( but I will anyway) that it is just butt ugly!!
Last week our head maintenance person who also lives in our building, finally took matters in his own hands and shovel and filled it in. We were ecstatic !
Yesterday when we returned from school we discovered that it had been dug open with these serious barricades and tape strapped around it.
So as you can see, this is an example of why we say" you gotta laugh at Kuwait or you will cry" we are still laughing but I will admit it is through clenched teeth.