Monday, June 13, 2011

When I woke up in the mornin', what did I see?

We stayed at Brother Peter's house our first night home...partially because we wanted to catch up with him and partly because we wanted to wake up in a place where there was water (the cabin takes a little bit of prep). Peter's beautiful home is a sacred space for us as there are lots of memories there plus it's just plan beautiful. Due to Jet Lag and my overall excitement at being home, I woke up at 5 am and so walked out to greet the morning. I wasn't disappointed with the response.

This has a very special significance for me. Five years ago when Peter's wife, the lovely Lo, passed away, we were all searching for a sign that things were "going to be all right". Their wedding anniversary was 15 days after she died and on that day, we were treated with a magnificent rainbow over the property. This morning, I was treated to another greeting from Lo.

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