Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Very Hot Day in June

The morning began with walking to the favorite Indian Restaurant for breakfast with the Peeps. Caught these two dudes relaxin' on another teacher's car. Life IS good...
 As I've commented before, we often see ONE shoe left lying in the sand. But this morning, I found this ONE FLIPPER...just one. The mind boggles...
 Close to the restaurant, I caught this dude as he tried to get away from another mean cat...if I were the other cat, I wouldn't mess with him.
 This lovely artwork is in our school lobby. It's a drawing of a dhow (boat) along with the name "allah". I was excited because i was scheduled to go on a dhow cruise on the Arabian Gulf this evening with friend DU .

 But alas, it was not to be today. We got a Duster which rolled in about 330 pm which caused the sky to go all orange. This photo of David was taken as he watered the plants on our apartment roof top. Bad News: the dhow cruise was cancelled. Good News: It's been rescheduled to Thursday which means my son and great friend JJS can go along and see Kuwait at it's best, which is from the Gulf at night. See all things do Happen for a reason.

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