Saturday, July 7, 2012

Since leaving the desert for the fourth time

We have been staying pretty close to home which has been wonderful. I have re connected with almost all of my peeps, and I continue to be so grateful
and humbled by their live and patience with us.

Heres a couple of photos for fun:
1) my mornings begin with a walk with Angel then coffee on the deck
2) the 35th class reunion of the HHS class of 77... And a good time was definately had by all
3) Anna and I went to a hair salon for a "simple cut" and ended up spending almost four hours there and both came out with colorings. She also got this cuter than cute hair style. Oops, we left David at the golf course. He wasn't too mad at us
4) precious moments when we can all gather. Here is the whole famdamily at the cabin.
5) the first weekend I was home there was a family wedding where I caught up on a bunch of new great great nieces and nephews. This is grand nephew RW with his five kids ( wife N was hone studying for her law degree...uffda) also pictured is the smilin grandma.

1 comment:

Wellman.Austin said...


As I search through blogs and prepare for my initial departure for Kuwait, I can't help but feel connected to your blog. I am a Minnesota native and will be teaching at AIS this fall for the first time. If you have any advice on the transition from MN to Kuwait City, I'd be happy to take it! Getting excited, as my family gets more and more nervous!
