Last evening, David and I enjoyed a night sail. It was beautiful, peaceful, a very nice break from all the noise and hussle we see. Well, actually we don't see that much hussle because we live in a quiet neighborhood (which, we found out, the Kuwaits view as the Ghetto!)
The story of how I actually found this sailing opportunity is, I'm coming to learn, an example of how things actually "happen" here in Kuwait. Before leaving North America, I had decided that the "thing" I would do for myself in Kuwait was learn how to sail. I have enjoyed sailing (on big boats) in the Great Lakes (Superior and Michigan, thank you) and know that it is the Ultimate in adventures (peaceful yet exciting...how often does one get THAT combination?!)
The story of how I actually found this sailing opportunity is, I'm coming to learn, an example of how things actually "happen" here in Kuwait. Before leaving North America, I had decided that the "thing" I would do for myself in Kuwait was learn how to sail. I have enjoyed sailing (on big boats) in the Great Lakes (Superior and Michigan, thank you) and know that it is the Ultimate in adventures (peaceful yet exciting...how often does one get THAT combination?!)
Anyway, so I contacted the appropriate resource here. And waited, anxiously for a reply. I didn't get a reply, so I contacted them again (people ARE busy right?) I waited for a reply again. So I contacted someone here at work whose picture I saw in a powerpoint about the school. The picture was taken of her sailing. Whenever I saw that picture, I would say to myself "Self, That's you sailing in Kuwait". She said she would look into her contacts.
One week later, she gave me two contacts. One email, one phone. So I sent an email. And, yup, waited some more.
By now I was getting paranoid. Thinking that maybe it was NOT in the "Cards" for me to sail, I tried one last attempt at calling the person suggested. Didn't know the chick from "Adam" but I figured what the hec-it's a phone call, no big deal. There was no answer on the other end. So I thought, somewhat downtrodden, that it just wasn't going to work out for me to sail. It's okay, I thought, I can always walk along the gulf and pretend.
Now here in Q8, most people's mobile (cell) phones don't have leave a message service. But you see that someone has called you ("missed call") and, if you want to, or if you're curious, you call that number back to see who called you. Well, SailorGirl DID call me back. I told her that I was interested in sailing, she asked how I got her number, she recognized the name (password?) and said okay come sailing with us Tuesday evening at 6, Fahaheel Sea Club, bring Chocolates.
At least that's what I thought she said. She had the most incredible English accent I've ever heard (later I find out she's from Liverpool, and they have a twist all their own--remember hearing the Beatles in interviews?!)
Long story short, a long taxi ride south, what appeared to be an abandoned sailing club later--we ended up sailing. It was GLORIOUS. Sailing in the darkness with the coastline of Kuwait City in the background, stars overhead (We found out there really are more than 2 stars in Kuwait) and the incredible feeling of peace that only sailing can give (at least to me). I even got to take the helm for over an hour. I'm thinkin' life is pretty darn good.
I start Compentent Crew lessons in two weeks. Next week we're invited back for another Social Sail with SailorGirl, MasterMark and Dasher, the beautiful collie dog. David says it's not his cup of tea (too mellow I think). But I'll be back.
Thanks to Allah, or whoever is in control over here, My prayers will be answered!